Sunday, March 21, 2010


"I can be very difficult at times. I lose it totally." What does this statement mean? Have you ever lost your temper uncontrollably? Have you actually managed to hurt someone physically or emotionally by losing your temper? I do it all the time, do you?

Man is a social animal. Whoever gave that statement forgot about evolution. Charles Darwin definitely did not give that statement. He would have imagined that man would evolve from being a social animal to a totally anti-social one. Today there is hatred, violence, betrayal everywhere.
Men are killing men. What for? Man was supposed to be a social animal remember?

So, the question which arises is, are we social? As people living in a society full of people, we deem ourselves to be social. But are we truly social? Here is a small example from life which would elaborate. I was in the 12th grade staying in Lucknow. We were staying at our house which was located at a place where mostly people from the armed forces lived. People from the armed forces at a time in history, were supposed to be the most caring and hospitable people. At that time in Lucknow, there was no interaction of any kind between neighbors. You would have seen in movies, neighbors usually come to borrow sugar, not even that was there. Everyone was busy with their own life. We call that a society?

A friend in need is a friend indeed. How many true friends do you have? Ones who'd never ever leave your side. Come what may, they'd be with you? One? Two? More? Society as we call it in the modern day has killed this proverb too. "A friend who needs is a friend in deed." Revised quote should look something like this. Forgive my spontaneity but I write whatever comes to me, as it comes. Today we still narrate stories of Krishna and Sudama, the inseparable pair of friends. That was true friendship. Today, its all compromise. "That guy might be of use to me someday. So i should befriend him." This is all they think today. Where is the culture and society now?

The subject that I'd love to discuss is Marriage. Marriage in today's India(I speak of India as I don't know about the rest of the world) is the biggest compromise one would ever witness. It is a business deal. Seen the bids of properties? Marriage is similar, the highest bidder wins. 5 lac one, 5 lac two, 5 lac take the boy! What in the world happened to the culture and the society that we Indians claim to have? "Indian culture is very rich and varied." Bullshit. We had a rich and diverse culture. But we killed it, buried it and sold it to the trash collectors for money. We don't have culture, we only have ego and attitude. We are not social anymore but hostile. And this can't change. Many hindi movies have been made on such topics. A good one showcasing the issue very well is Lajja. But a dramatic reform is needed, which would not be possible if movies are made or posters are displayed. The mentality of people has to change, which of course can't. Seen Matrix? India is like that now. Its a single program which is running each one of us, using us as batteries. We don't feel anything for real, its only an illusion. Life is a big illusion. Keep reading.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


If you're thinking that this blog post is inspired from the Britney Spears movie "Crossroads", you are not totally wrong. I would like to refresh our memories about the movie. The movie is about a teenage girl whose family broke up when she was born. Her mother doesn't accept her as a child. Moreover she doesn't know what she wants to do with life and goes out on a road trip with friends as she can't think of anything better to do.

I can bet that everyone of us has felt the way that girl felt in the movie. Haven't we? If your answer is "no", can anyone of you be precise in telling what you want to do with your life? I guess not. The question that haunts man today is not how dinosaurs disappeared, or is time travel possible. It is a simple "What do I do with my life?".

Story of a boy

A boy is born in a family(I am not a chauvinist, just taking boy for an example). The baby is pampered and brought up with values instilled in him. The parents decide what they want him to be. They admit him to a school with a good reputation. The boy starts carrying books heavier than himself before he can ride a bicycle. The boy is encouraged to cram stuff and score well in exams. The boy grows up, gets admitted to a good college, the choice of his parents perhaps. The boy crams stuff and scores in exams as he was taught. The boy gets a job in a company, probably that too of his parents' choice. The boy is bewildered now. Where is the part that he has mastered the most? He is disappointed that he can't work efficiently as there is no cramming involved. He trudges along with the job somehow and makes a living with no direction or job satisfaction whatsoever. He probably even gets married to the girl his parents select for him.

This is not fiction. This is real life incidents happening to more than 90% of the people today. Once upon a time this used to be my story too. But I was inquisitive from the beginning. I questioned everything. By God's grace I came out of the story before it ended. But just stop and think about this for a minute. Do you think that the story is justified? Do you think that the system which exists today is good enough to give us people like B.R Ambedkar or Dr. C.V Raman? Where does cultivating interest and encouraging hobbies in children go? People forget that they are not making leaders out of their children, ones who'd shape the future of the nation. They are making cramming machines who are devoid of common sense and cannot think on their own.

Why are foreigners much ahead of us in this regard? Why are foreign engineers better than our engineers? Do they study harder? Do they know more than we do? No. They have the gift of vision. They see things spatially rather than 2-dimensionally, like we do. We have been taught to restrict our imagination and that is what we are best at. We need to break free of this inhibition. For this either the system has to change or we have to change it. Else every one of our next generation child will be as confused as we are about our careers. And when they ask "Dad,.. what should I do with my life?", we would feel guilty and trapped. Transformation is the need of the hour. Keep reading.

Monday, March 1, 2010


Its been a long time. But I am back to blogging! Will try posting here at regular intervals.
This post of mine is not as tricky to judge from the title as the previous posts :)
What strikes your mind when you think of the word Transformation? Simple dictionary meaning would put it at change. Someone said that Change is the way of life. Life can't remain stagnant. Change is bound to happen and will happen even if it is opposed.

The Wright brothers brought change to the world. When they first proposed the idea of flying, they were laughed at, ridiculed and humiliated. The world remembers them today as visionaries.

When Thomas Alva Edison proposed that he'd make a glass bulb glow, he was mocked by one and all. Look what he did. The light that you see in your room is his gift. He brought transformation, of which normal people couldn't even dream of.

There is a story about a man. Pardon my memory but I fail to recall his name. He said that he could move a boat by using electricity. The crowd laughed at the very idea. How could man use electricity safely in water? He was certainly inviting death. At the time of the demonstration, everyone gathered to see the utter failure. The pessimists said "The thing will never start."
The thing however did start. It went down the stream with never before seen speed. People were awed. They cheered the man who'd brought change. The pessimists however then said "The thing will never stop."

This is the kind of resistance change gets in the real world. Taking a very simple example, when you go to your favorite eating joint, what do you order? The usual of course! We don't want to change. Its innate human nature to resist any kind of transformation. But we forget, change is the way of life. Those who remain stagnant, are left behind. The challenge lies in changing oneself. It might seem easy to change oneself rather than changing the world. But believe me, its not a cakewalk. It needs mammoth determination, to go against human nature of inertia of Transformation. And there, a new law hence derived. The law of inertia of transformation. The law universally applies to all species present on the planet earth and beyond. Do try and figure out the transformation happening within you, till then keep reading! :D

Thursday, December 17, 2009


I know this post of mine will make me the target of a lot of criticism and maybe a a few brickbats too. Nonetheless, I am tempted to write it out, not because I have something different to share, but because I feel this topic has to be discussed out in the open.

God created the two sexes. The man and the woman. At that time, he wouldn't have though the consequences of his doing. Ever imagined what if we were like hydra? I hope u know what that is. To explain in brief, hydra undergoes asexual reproduction to disintegrate into two baby hydras. So, what would it be like if we were like that?

What do you see when you see a woman? Except for the things which men usually notice first? There enchanting eyes, there smiles, but what a man forgets is that this other creation of God also possesses a brain. A brain much more complex than what man possesses himself. It is a fact that women have more active neurons in their nervous system than men. So, do u still think women are dumb? Think again!

I myself have had my share of encounters with the fairer sex. I wouldn't exaggerate in anyway but I have had too many encounters for a guy like me. One of my sayings about women goes likes this "If I am in the ocean, and I see a great white coming at me with speed of 50 miles an hour, I can look at it and tell whether it is going to bite me or not. But when I look at a woman, whom I've known for years; I can't tell what she is thinking even by talking to her." In short, according to me as most men would agree; women are the most unpredictable species existing on the planet Earth.

Ever heard of the story of King Arthur? He was once sitting in a cave after losing a bitter battle. When he saw a spider trying to go up and failing to do so continuously. The spider finally made it up. This inspired King Arthur to muster all his strength and fight again and win. You must be thinking what crap am I writing here, the discussion is about women right? But you all missed the point. You see, there was a female spider in the middle of the male spider's way up. The male spider was failing to get up there on purpose! He went up, had a look at the female spider and came down again. Guess why he was doing that? Well like us all men he was trying to figure out what was going on in her mind!!

Someone has truly said, "Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus". This again proves that men are much inferior to women in anyway. Well Venus takes a revolution around the sun way faster than Mars. Similarly, women can think way way faster than we think they can. So just keep thinking and they'll spin you like a top and you won't even notice!

Well we have been studying all kinds of subjects right from when we were kids. But I propose we have a new subject, at least in college "Basics of Female Psychology". Yes we need it, and we need it bad! They can laugh and steal your heart, they can cry and melt it. They can do whatever they want. Where is the guy who said "Its a man's world"? No more my friends. Its all a woman's world now. They can do whatever they want, and on top of that they can manipulate men to do whatever they need from us.

Men need to strike back! We need a strategy to figure out the complexities of the female mind. So I request all men reading this, come forward and join hands against this deadly force of nature!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Hi all, I know I have been away. But it feels great to be back. And here I am again, back to blogging. This post is about nothing. No...I am serious. This post is really about nothing. Just a random mixture of thoughts which linger in my head. What happened, what happens and what will happen. If you people think that I have gone crazy and bonkers, you are right to a great extent. This is not a joke.

Have you ever felt trapped? Like you want to be free and can't because something you want is with the one who is withholding your freedom? I so wish I could be free. Free of everything. All expectations, boundaries, and limitations. I wish I could do whatever I felt like, and be content.
Now when we speak of contentedness, which word pops into your mind? Happiness of course. What is the difference? Some would say, a man is happy who has all he wants. A man is content if he satisfied with all he has. So true. Happiness can be lost easily. Contentedness however stays. I have never been content in my life, ever. Have you?

Right this moment something tempts me to write of sleep. Sleep is a state of mind in which there are no boundaries. One can do as one likes. No boundaries, no expectations and no limits. The beautiful world of dreams seems so welcoming. I say that I am tempted to write of sleep, as right this moment my eyes are drooping and I wish I could go to bed right away. But why am I here then? Any guesses? Well let me tell you. I am here because I want to express myself. My inner self which has been silent for so many days. Which wants to be free. Which wants to come out and roam about. Which wants to play, and enjoy the world. But has been curtailed by certain factors. But this inner self of mine will be free soon, or so I hope.

For the shorter term, the better remedy would be to go and sleep. In the longer term, I have to learn how to be content. How to be free, how to truly enjoy the precious gift of life. How do you define life? For me, at this point of time, life is career. For a student, life is education. But is that it? Life.....such a small word, with such a deep meaning. I wish my life was better. What does this statement mean? It means that I am not contented. I am sad, and want to be happy.
But being happy isn't a sin is it? If I had the power, I would make everyone happy. But then if we look at it more seriously, it would turn out to be disastrous like in Bruce Almighty.
So for someone to be happy, the next person has to be sad. Law of conservation of happiness. Well there we go, we have a new law. And I hereby declare the copyright for this, anyone using this law anywhere is liable to compensate me accordingly.

So what does the law say? For one person to be happy, the next person has to be sad. What if I am very happy? Does that mean I made too many people sad? It really does. Ever read the story "The Umbrella Man"? The umbrella man is a character who steals umbrellas from random pubs (different pub every time), dupes innocent people into buying the stolen umbrellas and drinks off the money. So he made so many umbrella owners sad just to make himself very happy. Does that mean, people who got the umbrellas were happy? I can bet, they would have gone home, and forgotten about the umbrella this cunning fellow gave them, until it rained again of course.

The past few months have really been a roller coaster for me. I have been on hunting expeditions. On wild goose chases, and even in combat. I know its vague, but that's what I am trying to do. Will come up with the details in the next post hopefully. Till then, Adios.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


I was sitting on the dinner table, having my meal at the place where I live. There were other people at another table who were discussing about something. When I listened carefully, I figured that they were discussing about the shortcomings of Indian administration and politics. I am pretty sure that everyone of us would have had such a discussion. So what do you think about this?

I know a large percentage of the Indian politicians are corrupt. We are always ready to point our fingers at them. But are we really doing the right thing? Just put yourself in their shoes for a moment and think about it. When the whole system is corrupt, how can a single politician change anything? He'll be swept along with the tide, forcefully or willingly. So they do it willingly. But are they really at fault? I have a counter view.

Corruption always starts at the small level and goes big. It is not just the politicians or the administration that is corrupt, but the whole of India. Everyone is a part of this in some or the other way. Tell me, how many of you got a driver's license only after passing the requisite test? I am certain of what the answer to that question is. So aren't we at fault? When something bad happens in the nation, we blame the leaders. But it is us who elected them in the first place. If we can not change them, at least we can change the way we think. Stop thinking about personal gains for once and think of India as a whole. Tell the leaders what we really want; progress, transparency, harmony.

Politics and politicians have been labeled corrupt these days. The situation is so bad that whenever we find ourselves struggling because of the corruption, we hear ourselves say "A lot of politics is involved". Do you even know what politics actually means? It has been labeled and looked down upon so much that it has a whole new meaning these days. Politics in Hindi means "Rajneeti". Which means the strategies to be implemented to run the state (Rajya). But what do we mean when we speak about politics? The dirty mind games the politicians involve themselves in? Why?

The fact of the matter is that the situation is bad. It can't be changed overnight. We can't get rid of the whole administrative system and form a new one instantly. What we can do is to think for the community as a whole, as a nation. To let the leaders know, what we really want. If they are not able to satisfy our needs, we can support the fresh and innovative minds. Those who jump into the so called dirty world of "Politics" just to bring about a change. A change will be brought about. But it can't be brought about by sitting and grumbling. We have to bring a change in ourselves first, only then can we expect a change in the administration too.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

I Wish...

I wish I were a bird
Life would be at ease
I would fly away in the sky
Would fly in the breeze

Wish I were an angel
Would be of help to you
Would take away your tears
And give you happiness true

Wish I were a star
Would shine in the night
Would guide you in the darkness
Until there would be light

Wish I were a flower
Would blossom in the spring
Would give away my fragrance
And would ask for nothing

But all these wishes
Could not come true
So I can just hope now
And pray for you